Swissbau has just ended and the HP90 series of Enerblue , has been a great success with visitors ! The proposed innovative heat pump technology with natural refrigerant R744 , has hit many of those present at the fair, generating their particular interest and curiosity. The Swiss partner of Enerblue , CTA AG, a leader in the Helvetic market, had the opportunity to present its customers a unique product able to meet the demands coming from new and stringent local regulations , which provide the use of natural refrigerants in every air conditioning / heating plant above 400kW of power for year-round use and 600kW of power for seasonal use .
Enerblue is the Italian reality , thanks to its experience in the use of natural refrigerants , is a point of reference for specialists in the field and customers oriented in maximizing the Energy Saving in plants for commercial and industrial use.